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dota 2 axe guide 2017

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21 Feb 2013 Axe is an initiator with references of his ability to 'tank', as in soak up a lot of damage and attention. Berserker's Call lets him initiate on foes while Axe can harass in-lane, flash-farm with Counter-Helix and one-hit kill weakened foes with Culling Blade. Axe suffers from being kited and magic Item Build
Soul Ring can be a useful early-game item to build on high HP heroes with heavy mana costs like Axe. Having on-demand burst mana can allow him to cast his spells when needed, and he can easily recoup the HP cost with Tranquil Boots. The item itself also provides some passive mana regen and
In the skill build, after a level of Counter Helix..I max Battle hunger because it is only really useful in early game and against ranged heroes, u will need this. But the timing is very important. Do not spam it Nobody is scared of an axe who doesn't know when to put hunger. The trick is to put battle
Axe serves as a powerful tank in team plays and provides aid to teammates by diverting the enemy's attention(giving time for teammates to escape). Axe can do solo pushes without help of creeps and can initiate team ganks. It aids as a counter against DPS heroes especially melee heroes with a decent attack speed.
Axe DOTA 2 Hero. Find all Axe stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
This can be very efficient on one hand, or desastrous on the other if an enemy catches you off-guard and steals your boots, so only do this if you have rune-control (you know that no enemy picked up an invis rune) and view of every enemy hero with an invisibility ability. Even then, a pudge
30 aout 2013 Tous les conseils pour jouer Axe, l'un des heros disponible pour Defense of the Ancient 2. Items, Stuff, Skill build et Gameplay Si vous n'etes pas un habitue de DotA 2 et pour comprendre l'ensemble des termes techniques de jeu abordes dans ce guide, n'hesitez pas a voir ou revoir le lexique du jeu.
Best Tanker heroes on DotA(before is Centaur, but in 6.76c, i think Axe is the best tanker now); Easy to use(Usually dota player using this heroes in his/him first time); Instant killer due to the ultimate skills. Can make good entrance on war. Weakness : In mid game or late game, Axe is useless; Doesn't have stun skill's,
Its purely up to your play style . But remember, you're role is to cause chaos in the Battlefield and if are doing ur job, its perfectly fine what ever items u want to go. If not sure, ask your teammates what to buy next. In Dota2, there is always someone better than you ;) Regards F.Thaprii
18 Oct 2010
